MP3 - Weight Loss Without Diet

A gentle relaxation technique combined with powerful weight loss suggestion script makes this one of our most effective and best selling CDs. We have re-mastered the CD to remove all traces of subliminal messages in order to bring this title to you on MP3. We have done this as due to packing and postage constraints we have temporarily discontinued the CD version.

SPECIAL OFFER!! This is the first MP3 of the collection to be released. For a limited peroid only, we are offering this top selling title on MP3 for ONLY $9.97


When you click on the PayPal button below, you will be taken to the PayPal purchase page in order to pay for your item.

After you have logged into your PayPal account and clicked on the "Pay" button, you will be taken to the "Thank you for your payment" page. Below the merchant contact information are three links:

You must click the second link to "Return to Hypnosic" which will open the page where you can download the MP3 file from. If you click a different link, you will open an account page in your Paypal account and you will not be able to download the MP3 file. If this happens you can usually click the "Back" button on your browser to return to the previous page where you can click the link to return to Hypnosic and download your MP3.

Weight Loss Without Diet


Price only:



Note: If for any reason you are unable to download the MP3 after making your payment, please do not try to pay a second time. Send me an email with your Paypal transaction id and I will reply with instructions on how to download the MP3.

Using this method you can rest assured that you are using one of the safest forms of payment transfer on the internet today.

If you have any quieries, please contact me at: info @

Terry Didcott